EUV Revision Notes Version 1.4 Revision 11/24/93 Introduction This release is intended for Guest Observer use for point source analysis. This release is for users of the EUVE pointed spectroscopic data analysis software. Patches to this release will be created on an as needed basis. This document only covers the EUV/IRAF layered package software release. It doesn't address the issue of the scientific correctness of EUVE data products. For information about installing IRAF/EUV see the "EUV Installation Guide". This release adds several new programs and corrects some errors found in the previous releases. New Features QPOE files can now be converted to and from ST table format, using the qpwst and qprst tasks in the euvtools package. The ism program, in the euvspec package, computes the effect of interstellar absorption on input flux. Some code was changed to take advantage of the short datatype in version 1.3 of the ST tables package. Code Corrections More mismatched uses of yes/no and true/false were corrected, and other lines of code that caused FORTRAN compiler portability problems were fixed. The file was changed to automatically reload the euv package after the euvred, euvtools, and euvspec packages are loaded. Detailed changes to tasks and libraries can be found in the revisions.log file. Major Features Comprehensive Event Pipeline CEP in the euvred package implements a functional version of the processing pipeline used in EUVE data calibration. The pipeline consists of several modules, including: time filtering, spatial masks, aspect correction, wavelength correction, and simple calculations. These modules are configured to produce QPOE images of EUVE spectral observations from restructured raw data represented in ST Tables. Data Quality Selection DQSELECT in the euvred package implements a functional version of data quality selection for EUVE data. Good time format ST tables can be generated from time-stamped monitors. Good times intervals, that is, a set of time periods when the data falls within user selected criteria, can be generated from time-stamped monitors. These intervals can be stored in ST tables or inserted as macros in QPOE files. Time macros can also be inserted into QPOE files. Instrument Modeling SPECMOD reads and writes IRAF image files as well as ASCII line lists. The user can selectively turn PSF convolution on or off. SPECMOD has been upgraded to read EUV detector tables. This task primarily accepts user supplied data as input, typically the expected flux at the telescope aperture, and produces spectra folded through an instrument model. Background Monitoring BACKMON provides basic information on the EUVE spacecraft environment based on spacecraft engineering monitors. The information includes magnetic latitude which greatly effects EUVE background levels. The output from BACKMON can be used with DQSELECT to produce time filters for the relevant QPOE files. Missing Features Several features are still missing from the EUV/IRAF layered package. Among them are the following: First, EUVE has an instrument effect called Primbsching that limits high telemetered count rates from any EUVE detector. This Primbsch effect must be corrected for in the observation. Two methods are possible: model the primbsch effect in the instrument modeling software, or associate an "intensity" with each event. Both techniques are under investigation. Several instrument anomalies are currently under investigation. As these anomalies are resolved, they must either be modeled or corrected. It is expected that some of these anomalies will require additional analysis software. This issues will be addressed in an on-going basis, depending upon urgency. Revision History 1.4 Revision -- November 1993 1.3 Revision -- August 1993 1.2.2 Revision -- May 1993 1.2.1 Revision -- May 1993 1.2 Revision -- April 1993 1.1.1 Revision -- January 1993 1.1 Revision -- November 1992 1.0.4 Revision -- September 1992 1.0.2 Revision -- July 1992 1.0 Revision -- May 1992 Beta Revision -- November 1991 Alpha Revision -- September 1990 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDENDUM -- PSFs in SPECMOD 7 Feb 1994 The SPECMOD spectral modeling task in egocs1.4 has been modified to accept the instrument point spread function (PSF) values in FWHM units, as given in the fwhm1 column in the egodata1.8 files,, and Prior to egodata1.8, the PSF was specified as one-sigma values. This means that egodata releases prior to egodata1.8 will not be compatible with the egocs1.4 version of SPECMOD.